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Love The Arts is a musical studio owned and operated by Philip Mancini. He instructs on all instruments, instructs on voice, arranges music and does other studio work, but his love is classical guitar and Christian music.
This site has information on recalls for drugs, over the counter products, anything that the consumer might encounter an adverse or severe reaction from.
Powerstep Therapeutic Supports for Heel & Arch support is an affordable, customizable orthotic for comfort tailored to personal needs.
One of the best commercial products on the market today, Doctors turn to Powerstep for patients whose problems do not require molded products, or for those who cannot afford them, but realize that they need something much more supportive than what came with their shoes, sneakers or boots.
An Excellent website to learn about mercury still currently in vaccines, flu shots and the fillings in teeth.
Another website to go to is www.toxicteeth.org and www.iaomt.org/cart/products.asp?cat=18 to view U Tube videos on nerve damage and smoking mercury fillings from teeth.
Also www.mercuryfreenow.com .
This is an excellent site to go to, to check the interreactions of drugs, vitamins, over the counter products when they are all taken together or by themselves. Look up adverse reactions, dosages, whatever you need to find out about any products you need or think you might use for whatever ails you, or that will support you.
The National Vaccine Information Center was founded in 1982 by parents whose children were injured or died following DPT vaccine reactions. Located in Vienna, Virginia, this charitable organization is totally publically supported. This site has current state laws and will send a biweekly newsletter.

The latest news about health, fitness, nutrition and alternate health potions that can positively impact your quality of life.
Nutri-West is a nutrirional supplement company whose sole focus is helping healthcare professionals optimize the well-being of their patients. Read about Healthy Patients and Practices.
Helps relieve back and muscle pain, Arthritis Pain, Shoulder and Neck Pain, Joint and Leg Pain
Greaseless, Stainless, and the scent vanishes
KC Landscaping is a locally owned operation that can meet the needs of the homeowner who needs basic landscaping and maintenance help to those who want original and different landscape design. Look at their website to see some of their interesting design work.