Recommended Reading Material

Home ** Menu Of Services ** CONSUMER WARNINGS & RECALLS ** Recommended Reading Material ** Contact ** Frequency of Care ** Children, Backpack Pain and Booster Seats ** MORE ARTICLES ** Favorite LInks ** Lords Valley Office Pictures ** Asthma: Solutions You May NOT Have Considered ** Autism and Vitamin D ** Autism, Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup ** Cell Phones and Brain Tumors ** Dietary Salt Reduction ** GENETICALLY ALTERED FOODS VIDEO ** Probiotics: Good for So Many Things ** The Power of Pistachio Nuts ** SIT LESS, LIVE LONGER ** Vitamin D: The Versatile Nutrient ** Vitamin D for the FLU ** Vitamin E ** Tocotrienols For Cholesterol ** WARNING - Acid Suppressants Linked to Fracture Risk ** WARNING - INFANT & CHILDRENS PRODUCTS RECALL ** WARNING - LIPITOR RECALL ** WARNING FOR OSTEOPOROSIS DRUG USERS ** ASPARTAME IS A KILLER **

Below are sources of information and books we recommend borrowing or buying and reading cover to cover concerning our health and the people and legislation that control our health and our access to health remedies.

Wellness Against All Odds: Dr. Sherry Rogers

The Cure for Diabetes:  Dr.Sherry Rogers 

Is Your Cardiologist Killing You: Dr.Sherry Rogers 

The High Blood Pressure Hoax:  by Dr. Sherrry Rogers

The Cholesterol Hoax: by Dr. Sherry Rogers

Detoxify or Die: by Dr. Sherry Rogers

Total Wellness Newsletter: Dr. Sherry Rogers


The Dukan Diet: by Dr. Pierre Dukan



How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your MD:
             by Dr. Robert S. Mendolshon MD

Dissent in Medicine: by Dr. Robert S. Mendolshon MD

Male Practice, How Doctors Manipulate Women: Mendolshon

Confessions of a Medical Heretic: Mendolshon


Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: La Leche League