Commonsense Chiropractic Care
Dr. Lee DeBlon
Neck and Back Pain Nutrition
Estimates show that 5-10% of the population here in the United States uses NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS ( NSAIDs) for pain relief. While they are effective in treating pain, they can also cause a number of other problems ranging from headaches and stomach ulcers to dizziness, constipation and diarrhea. A NEW STUDY indicates that OMEGA-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may be just as effective as NSAIDs in treating pain, without causing the side effects.
In this study scientists evaluated 250 patients who were suffering from nonsurgical neck or back pain, and who were taking NSAIDS for pain relief. The patients were asked to take 2400 milligrams of OMEGA-3 per day for 2 weeks, and then reduce to 1200 milligrams daily. Approximately one month after starting the supplements the patients were sent a questionnaire asking them to document their level of pain, use of NSAIDs and any side effects caused by their supplements.
125 patients returned the questionnaire, an average of 75 days after starting the supplements. 78% were taking 1200 mgs per day, the other 22% were still taking 2400 mgs per day. 59%, more than half reported that they were no longer needing to take their NSAIDs for pain control.
The balance of the patients reported that the overall pain levels had improved and were satisfied with these improvements. NO ADVERSE REACTIONS were reported.
As the results of this study show, OMEGA-3 fatty acids appear just as effective as NSAIDs, if not more so, in relieving certain kinds of neck and back pain. That said, there is NO BETTER FORM of NATURAL pain relief than receiving an adjustment from a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Any question, please call for our NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION. We can be reached in Honesdale @ 253-0904 and in Lords Valley @ 775-6656.